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Nike SB Demo | At Noord

Nike SB Demo | At Noord

After the loss of their iconic indoor Skatepark 4 years ago, Amsterdam had cause for great celebration this past Supermaandag.
On 24th July, 2017 NOORD.AMS opened its doors to the public and welcomed the extended Nike SB global family to christen the park in style with a demo of nostalgic proportions. With over 700 spectators and a cast of 14 to entertain including Luan Oliveira, Ishod Wair, Grant Taylor, Cory Kennedy, Alex Olson, Donovon Piscopo, Sean Malto, Eric Koston, Karsten Kleppan, Oskar Rozenberg, Youness Amrani, Brad Staba, Fernando Bramsmark, Wieger, Shajen Willems, Carlos Ribeiro it was the heralding of a new era for the Amsterdam skateboarding community.
NOORD is a skater owned skatepark

Filmed & Edited by Enrique Mayor

Enjoy below an awesome photo gallery by Marcel Veldman & Maksim Kalanep

CPH OPEN 2017 X Levi’s® Skateboarding

CPH OPEN 2017 X Levi’s® Skateboarding

The Copenhagen Open (aka CPH OPEN) is the crème de la crème of Skateboarding in Europe.

Since the beginning back in 2007, CPH OPEN has grown to be the biggest European skateboarding event and attracts people from around the world and brings the city to life. In the process, it has set a new standard for what a skateboarding event can and should be.

CPH OPEN preserves the core values that made us all fall in love with skateboarding in the first place and with the participation of our partners, sponsors, emerging and established talent and the support of ever-growing crowds, CPH have done just that.

Each year in July, the best riders from all over the globe come to the Copenhagen for the five-day event that moves across the city, hitting up old spots as well as creating new runs and DIY parks: CPH OPEN knows no physical borders.

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of CPH OPEN, Levi’s® Skateboarding went big and sponsored of the competition hosting a an open skate competition as well as the official CPH after party.

Enjoy below an awesome photo gallery by Maksim Kalanep

Video by Pierre Stachurska

Click on images to enlarge

Photography by Maksim Kalanep

Yuri Facchini | "Almost 3AM" Rough Cut

Yuri Facchini | "Almost 3AM" Rough Cut

Enjoy the battles that took Yuri Facchini to achieve his latest video part "Almost 3Am", nothing comes easy in skateboarding, check it out!

Via Thrasher →

Skate Agora | Cinema II

Skate Agora | Cinema II

En Skate Agora continúan con la propuesta veraniega Cinema, está semana tendrá lugar la premiere del Texalona 2. Un vídeo de Jordan Standley grabado en Texas y Barcelona protagonizado por Florentin Marfaing, Johannes BayerFrankie Rendón y más caras conocidas. El viernes se proyectará Los Goonies, un icono de las películas de aventuras de los años 80 dirigida por Richard Donner y basada en una historia escrita por Steven Spielberg.
No te lo pierdas este jueves! Recuerda que la entrada es gratuita.

Blue Headey & Nick Trapasso | Hectik

Blue Headey & Nick Trapasso | Hectik

Dope video part "Hectic" featuring Blue Headey alongside some awesome footage by Nick Trapasso  for LE Skateboards, check it out!

CPH Open 2017 | Day 4

CPH Open 2017 | Day 4

CPH Open 2017

19- 23rd JULY


The CPH Open finals was a day that will go down in the history books as one of the most packed Copenhagen skateboarding has ever seen. With a big crowd comes a great atmosphere and with the sun out and the party in full Saturday mode, everyone headed to the first stop of the day by the Planetariet where a flat bar and picnic bench got laid out in a line to find the last skaters who would make it into the finals.

Louie Lopez, Matt Berger and Felipe Gustavo all made the grade while others took the opportunity to find the best vantage point by hiring inflatables and watching from the lake.

Ishod Wair → CPH Open 2017 Champ!

Photo by Maksim Kalanep

Moving on just a few meters was a straight up 10 step cash for tricks assault through a sea of people standing and hanging on to whatever they could find. Bangers came in the shape of Aurelien’s Hard Flip, Midler’s front 3 and Jamie Foy’s BS flip.

From the steps the race was on for everyone to get to the finals at the Copenhagen skatepark with entry queues destined to snake right up the road.
‘Side mission on the way’ goes to Jamie Foy, Zion, Paul Hart and Alex Midler on a shocker of a bridge rail – check @copenhagenopen to be impressed.

The newly refurbished park complete with obligatory heart sunglasses was feeling the heat from the off, an incredible line up of skaters that was a treat to watch both live online and in the park.
With such an impressive start list it was always going to be a hard call but the day, if not the week, belonged to Ishod Wair showing why he’s a SOTY by cruising with absolute effortless board control on every surface he touched in Copenhagen. Luan Oliveira and Vincent Milou took the next two spots but the party was fully in Ishod’s honour.

Barrel jump up next and rumours that it’s being considered as an additional Olympic discipline are unfounded, if it was, Blake Johnson would be in with a shout. The Death Race is also not on the cards but it would be a sure fire ratings winner. Top speeds of 29mph and glory for days to anyone with super push and a good barge, Mason Silva had the elbows to take the win

The comp was closed down with the best trick, this year a bump to bar over a smoking mystery pit made even better/challenging by the sheer amount of gold confetti cannons being let off. With crowds that made even going to the bar a challenge, major props to those that skated and especially Jaakko Ojanen who secured top honours.

Anyone still in town should make it down to La Banchina - Refshalevej 14 to chill, swim and finish the rest of the party.

Full list of results here →

Enjoy below an awesome photo Gallery by Maksim Kalanep. Also check Day 1-2 & 3

Photography by Maksim Kalanep

CPH Open 2017 | Day 3

CPH Open 2017 | Day 3

CPH Open 2017

19- 23rd JULY


Copenhagen demonstrated in no uncertain terms that a little rain couldn’t dampen the festivities yesterday, as the CPH Open went full steam ahead despite the rain that threw down for most of the day. The washed out scheduled lunchtime ledge action quickly turned into rammed session at the Wonderland bowl in Christiania. Tough to get in proved even harder to get out, as the crowds surged to witness the transition madness of the impromptu sweatbox.

TJ Rogers → Nollie Heelflip FS Noseslide

Photo by Maksim Kalanep

Breakout missions were taking place in other parts of town as the city showed why it’s one of the best places to skate regardless of weather. Secret spots and well known parks such as the X-Hall bowl were getting decent workouts and being destroyed by GT and crew amongst others.

For those looking to use the break in the comp to loosen up a bit the Champagne River Cruise and Party Bus transported skaters and crew under canopy fuelled by seemingly inexhaustible cases off special reserve.

With the rain retreating late afternoon, the Triangle DIY spot looked like a goer and against all odds dried up just in time for a comp, though not before it was turned upside down by Sebo Walker and TJ Rogers who skated it better in the wet than most mortals can do in the dry. For anyone who’s not seen it, the Triangle takes it’s name from it’s shape and has a bunch of curbs, ledges, hips and bumps that can be skated all the way round. Qualified skaters were given 3 x 2 laps to put lines together with top winners making the cut for Saturday finals. Franky Villani go the crowed fired up with smiles and a diverse bag of silky oddness, Vincent Milou was on fire but Luan made the whole thing look like his local spot with a consistency that’s beyond comprehension.

Saturday schedule takes place by the lakes at Planetariet with a picnic table and flat bar set up followed by 10 stair Cash for Tricks 13.00 – 16.00 Top 3 get qualified into the CPH OPEN finals at Copenhagen Skatepark from 17.00

Expect to see the modern day equivalent of gladiators in the Death Race from 8pm followed by Barrel jumps, best trick and even more partying.

Full line up and directions here → 

Enjoy below a cool photo gallery about CPH Open Day 3 by Maksim Kalanep. Also enjoy Day 1 & 2 

Photography by Maksim Kalanep

Lucas Rabelo | Primeiro Passo Part

Lucas Rabelo | Primeiro Passo Part

Lay back and enjoy an awesome video part "Primeiro Passo" by Brazilian killer Lucas Rabelo, ripping up at everything with technique

Via Thrasher →

CPH OPEN 2017 | Day 1 & 2

CPH OPEN 2017 | Day 1 & 2

CPH Open 2017

19- 23rd JULY 


Corks are popping for the champagne of skateboarding, otherwise known as the CPH Open, the skate event that couldn’t possibly happen anywhere else in the world without getting shut down within minutes.

Yuri Facchini → Shifty Flip

Photo by Maksim Kalanep

5 days of skateboarding from some of the best in the game kicked off with the biggest crowd ever seen mobbing the Faelledparken.
Over vert sections and backside face slaps seen by the world via instagram was even more insane in the cold light of real life as Rune, Raven and Grant Taylor defied logic and the laws of physics to open the skate festival with lines that laughed in the face of sensibility.

Thursday took it 80s old school at Lithauens Plads with plexi glass quarters, kickers and OG boardslide rails before a slappy and wallride attack in the meat packing district in front of another huge and up for it crowd.

The CPH Open, now celebrating it’s 10th year, cruises the streets of the Danish capital hitting up skate friendly architecture and purpose built features in a celebration of getting loose and being off the hook. With the largest line up of pros and top draw AMs from across the globe, the super chilled and highly carbonated event runs through to Sunday with a full schedule every day to stoke out the city takeover.

The top 3 qualifiers from each event bags a ticket to the finals at the Copenhagen Skatepark on Saturday, but the true glory lies in the insane spots and the getting there in this incredible city.

The session takes off again at 18.00 at the DIY Triangle. Full line up and directions here →

Enjoy below an awesome photo gallery recap from day 1 and 2 by Maksim Kalanep


Day 1

Day 2

Photography by Maksim Kalanep

Carlos Cardeñosa "Lito" | Raw Adventures Sucubo

Carlos Cardeñosa "Lito" | Raw Adventures Sucubo

Enjoy the Raw Adventure by Carlos Cardeñosa "Lito" who has the last part on the awesome The Sucubo video by Mario Fortea. 

Via FormatSkate →

DEPARIS X Nike SB | Summer Suburbs, ROUGH CUTS

DEPARIS X Nike SB | Summer Suburbs, ROUGH CUTS

Enjoy the Rough Cuts of the cool Summer Suburbs video by De Paris Year Book featuring: Kyron Davis, Marca Barbier, Yann Garin, Hugo Corbin, David Jakinda, Matt Débauché, Santiago Sasson, Charlotte Hym, Mickael Mackrodt, Romain Marit, Thomas Busuttil

Filmed & Edited by Guillaume Périmony

Quartersnacks | Keep Skateboarding Romantic

Quartersnacks | Keep Skateboarding Romantic

Cool video montage by Quartersnacks to celebrate the collab with the local skateshop from Copenhagen, Street Machine

Blaze Supply | Wides

Blaze Supply | Wides

JP Dantas and JP Villa went for a quick trip to LA and came up with this clip. Also starring Sandro Bertolucci, check it out!

Filmed & Edited by Rodrigo de Andrade

BCN | Episode 1

BCN | Episode 1

Dope video montage with some of Barcelona´s young blood. Featuring: José Vivero, Jordi Gómez, Brayan Albarenga, Pablo Pérez, Arnau Truque, Samuel Parrado, David Fernández, Pedro Attenborough, Juan Gracia, Geronimo Rossi, enjoy!

Video by Hugo Valverde

Am Scramble | 2017 Video

Am Scramble | 2017 Video

A crew of heavy hitters on the road across U.S. featuring Zion Wright, Jarne Verbruggen, Axel Cruysberghs, Erick Winkowski, Ducky Kovacs, Corey Glick, Mason Silva, Tyson Peterson, they killed it big time!

Via Thrasher →

Daniel Lutheran | The Push Part

Daniel Lutheran | The Push Part

Awesome Push video part by Mr. happy man Daniel Lutheran, killing rails with a smile in his face all the time, check it out!

Via Berrics →

adidas Skateboarding | Mid-City Merge

adidas Skateboarding | Mid-City Merge

adidas Skateboarding heads to Los Angeles, California where infinite skatespots are tied together in a maze of highways. ‘Mid-City Merge’ showcases the global team in the rugged streets of L.A., giving you a glimpse into one of skateboarding’s most iconic urban backdrops.

Featuring: Dennis Busenitz, Lucas Puig, Benny Fairfax, Na-kel Smith, Tyshawn Jones, Silas Baxter-Neal, Alec Majerus, Nestor Judkins, Miles Silvas, Blondey McCoy, Rodrigo TX, Günes Özdogan, Jack Fardell, Gustav Tønnesen, Kevin Lowry, Chewy Cannon, Kaio Hillebrand, Nora Vasconcellos, Frankie Spears and introducing Magnus Bordewick

Mason Silva | Red Balloon

Mason Silva | Red Balloon

Mason Silva just turn pro for Element Skateboards, this awesome video part "Red Balloon" is a good proof why he should have his name on a board, check it out!

Via Thrasher →

Nike SB Euro | Double Rock

Nike SB Euro | Double Rock

Nike SB Euro squad Fernando Bramsmark, Jarne Verbruggen, Jacopo Carozzi, Hugo Boserup, and Ville Wester ripping up big time at Double Rock indoor park, enjoy!

Via Thrasher →

Volcom | Hell of a Summer

Volcom | Hell of a Summer

Volcom team members: Collin Provost, Jackson Pilz, Shane Azar, Axel Cruysberghs, Dane Burman, Reese Warren, Scotty Stanley, Jesse Noonan, Nik Stipanovic ripping up in Australia for a "Hell of a Summer" tour

Filmed by Leigh Bolton & Lannie Rhoades

Via The Skateboarder´s Journal →