CPH Open 2017
19- 23rd JULY
Corks are popping for the champagne of skateboarding, otherwise known as the CPH Open, the skate event that couldn’t possibly happen anywhere else in the world without getting shut down within minutes.
Yuri Facchini → Shifty Flip
Photo by Maksim Kalanep
5 days of skateboarding from some of the best in the game kicked off with the biggest crowd ever seen mobbing the Faelledparken.
Over vert sections and backside face slaps seen by the world via instagram was even more insane in the cold light of real life as Rune, Raven and Grant Taylor defied logic and the laws of physics to open the skate festival with lines that laughed in the face of sensibility.
Thursday took it 80s old school at Lithauens Plads with plexi glass quarters, kickers and OG boardslide rails before a slappy and wallride attack in the meat packing district in front of another huge and up for it crowd.
The CPH Open, now celebrating it’s 10th year, cruises the streets of the Danish capital hitting up skate friendly architecture and purpose built features in a celebration of getting loose and being off the hook. With the largest line up of pros and top draw AMs from across the globe, the super chilled and highly carbonated event runs through to Sunday with a full schedule every day to stoke out the city takeover.
The top 3 qualifiers from each event bags a ticket to the finals at the Copenhagen Skatepark on Saturday, but the true glory lies in the insane spots and the getting there in this incredible city.
The session takes off again at 18.00 at the DIY Triangle. Full line up and directions here →
Enjoy below an awesome photo gallery recap from day 1 and 2 by Maksim Kalanep
Day 1
Day 2

Roman Pabich

Fernando Bramsmark

Hugo Boserup → BS Tailslide

Alex Sorgente → BS Feeble

Ryan Clements

Tom Remillard & Diego Fiorese

Brad Staba, Scuba Steve, Eric Koston, Kevin Bradley

Kevin Bradley, Eric Koston, Kyron Davis

Zion Wright → FS Pop Shove It

Kevin Baekkel

Tyler Surrey → FS Flip

Yuri Facchini → Shifty Flip

Mason Silva → Hardflip
Photography by Maksim Kalanep
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