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National Videos

Antonio Gómez "Plaza" | 40th Birthday

Antonio Gómez "Plaza" | 40th Birthday

Antonio Gómez "Plaza" from Almería celebrating his 40th birthday with this cool video part filmed during a couple of weeks, happy birthday!

Lazy Legs 4 | Contest

Lazy Legs 4 | Contest

Enjoy this cool edit about the fourth edition of the Lazy Legs event. A contest for over 30, 35 and 40 years old skateboarders held in Madrid last weekend, mad fun!

David Fernández | Welcome to 7 Puertas team

David Fernández | Welcome to 7 Puertas team

Siete Puertas welcomes David Fernández to the team with this dope video part, check it out!

Filmed & edited by Sidney Déniz.

Ibu Sanyang | Finding lost

Ibu Sanyang | Finding lost

Awesome video part featuring Ibu Sanyang called "Finding Lost", nice style and flow, enjoy!

Filmed & Edited by Nico Cook


Banks Jam 08003 | Al Carrer SkateShop

Banks Jam 08003 | Al Carrer SkateShop

Al Carrer skate shop alongside Feel skateboards held last weekend a cool event to celebrate the one year anniversary of the store in Barcelona. Watch this dope edit and enjoy the good vibes!

Joan Galceran | Welcome to Jart

Joan Galceran | Welcome to Jart

Enjoy this welcome video edit to Jart skateboards featuring Joan Galceran ripping up the streets of Barcelona!

Sergio Sanchez | Skateboarding Saved My Life

Sergio Sanchez | Skateboarding Saved My Life

Sergio Sanchez part belongs to " "Skateboarding saved My Life" the first BDSKATECO Full Length video that was released in May 2016, check it out!

Directed by Gustavo Andrés
& edited by Quique Acosta

Nacho Climent | Training Days

Nacho Climent | Training Days

Nice edit featuring nacho Climent ripping up Skate Agora Park on training days, check it out!

Welcome Skateboarding | Tetuan Skate Plaza Madrid

Welcome Skateboarding | Tetuan Skate Plaza Madrid

Nice edit about Tetuan Skate Plaza in Madrid by Welcome skateboarding. Take a look at full article here, enjoy!

J.M.Roura | Promodel Premier Agora Skatepark

J.M.Roura | Promodel Premier Agora Skatepark

Surprise party at Skate Agora skatepark to José Manuel Roura introducing his first pro model for Memory Skateboards follow by a special session, check it out! 

Niki Diaz | Barcelona Vacation

Niki Diaz | Barcelona Vacation

Awesome edit featuring Tenerife ripper Niki Diaz in Barcelona Vacation, ledges lines and good tech tricks in some of the most iconic spots of the city, check it out!

Memory Family | Introduces a new pro…Antonio Gomez

Memory Family | Introduces a new pro…Antonio Gomez

Awesome video part featuring Antonio Gomez "Plaza" introducing his new pro model for Memory Skateboards, check it out!

Fran  Rodriguez | Comicskate Video #03

Fran Rodriguez | Comicskate Video #03

Dope part featuring Fran Rodriguez for the third Comicskate video, a good mix of skills from Canary Islands.

Filmed & edited by Sunayfilmaker

Eina Skateboards | Presents Einask8lens

Eina Skateboards | Presents Einask8lens

Eina skateboard company is proud to present Einask8lens. Fish eye, wide angle and macro lens for smartphone. Works with iOs and Android, compatible with all phones.
Video filmed with iPhone starring Ignacio Morata, Cristian Sánchez, Pol Amadó, Andreu Renau and Pau Vilaseca.

Edit by Maka graphics.

Luis Gil "Lurdo" | Video Part

Luis Gil "Lurdo" | Video Part

Awesome video part featuring Madrid local Luis Gil "Lurdo", nice bag of tricks, check it out!

SNT4Life X Marble

SNT4Life X Marble

Most of us grew up as skaters and humans at the infamous Sants Railway Trainstation Plaza. It was just a matter of time at FEEL dedicating a very special board to the SNT plaza. From the OGs to the nowadays locals who keep the spirit alive, this one is for you.

Filmed by Marcos Lozano, Harry, Mario Cano and other locals.
Edited by The Marble Video Crew with a little touch by Miguel Gorjón.

Dudu Garcia | Last Summer Part

Dudu Garcia | Last Summer Part

Sick video part by Dudu Garcia from Mallorca, Spain. He had a real bad injury to his knee. We wish him a short recovery! Meanwhile enjoy the footage he got.

Filmed and Edited by Todd Gartland

Mateo Rotaeche & Javier Martínez "Raoni" | The Moca Video

Mateo Rotaeche & Javier Martínez "Raoni" | The Moca Video

Enjoy the awesome shared part featuring Mateo Rotaeche and Javier Martínez ´Raoni´ in The Moca video from Mosaic bearings, San Sebastian locals!

Jart Skateboards | Solidarity On Wheels

Jart Skateboards | Solidarity On Wheels

The Vicente Ferrer Foundation is a Non-Governmental Development Organization. Since 1969 it has been committed to the process of transformation of one of the most impoverished areas of Andhra Pradesh (South-east India), with groups at risk of social exclusion. Today, VFF works in 3.268 villages benefiting more than 3 million people.
Thanks to the Sport Mundi Foundation’s initiative, with the purchase of one of these 100 exclusive boards produced by Jart Skateboards Company and with a design by Eduardo Chillida, a 100% of your contribution will be used for the building of a 15 housing colony for people living below the extreme poverty threshold. These families are forced to live in clay huts lacking basic hygiene and safety conditions. These do not endure the area’s high temperatures and flood during monsoon. To these fami- lies, the access to solid housing is, above all, a necessary requirement to achieve social integration and dignity.
The constructed colonies are provided with the minimal health, hygiene and security standards. These are efficient shelters against heavy rains, dangerous wildlife and intense heat. For adolescent girls and women in particular, access to bathroom fa- cilities has a highly positive effect on their safety, not needing to walk away from the colony in order to relieve themselves in unsafe areas where they become exposed to danger. In line with the defence of women’s rights, the houses will be registered in their names, so as to empower them and make them more respected in their com- munities, within a country where they are subject to strong discrimination.
What is of utmost importance, is that these houses will provide dignity and improve their self-esteem and their sense of belonging to a community.
We thank you kindly for your collaborative effort to transform society into humanity.

Worldwide available at Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, MACBA and

Edit by Pablo Ribera
Film by Joan Mariano, Pablo Ribera, Alex Braza