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National Videos

Nomad Skateboards | Team Meeting Zaragoza 2016

Nomad Skateboards | Team Meeting Zaragoza 2016

After adding a couple of new guys to the team Nomad Skateboards squad gather together at their hometown Zaragoza, Spain.
Between lots of laughs, huge hamburgers for lunch, and great weather they moved around the amazing spots the city has to offer!
The NOMAD SKATEBOARDS team members: Cristian Delgado (SP), Miguel Sanchez (SP), Vladimir Ivanov (BG), and team manager Jeffrey Luque (SP).

Film by Mario Martin & Jeffrey Luque
Edit by Mario Martin

Nike SB “Go Skateboarding Day” | Be Skateboarding Mag

Nike SB “Go Skateboarding Day” | Be Skateboarding Mag

Enjoy the awesome edit from the Nike SB "Go Skateboarding Day" in collaboration with Be Skateboarding Mag in Barcelona along with a special photo gallery by Roger Ferrero. Free pizza and cash for tricks, mad fun!

Filmed by Enrique Mayor & Martí Herrera
Edited by Enrique Mayor

Photography by Roger Ferrero

Christian Estrada | “Skateboarding Saved My Life”

Christian Estrada | “Skateboarding Saved My Life”

Después de estar apartado del skate bastante tiempo por culpa de una lesión, Christian lo dio todo para grabar su parte para Fallen y  para el video LastTry a finales del 2015. . Y no solo eso, también  consiguió sacar una parte para el video BDSKATECO bastante sólida y diferente a las otras dos. Dale al play para ver a un Christian más fluido y rápido atacando todo lo que se le pone por delante.

Pathetic Supply Co. | Fourteen

Pathetic Supply Co. | Fourteen

Pathetic Supply Co. presents his first audiovisual experiment: "Fourteen".
Produced during an 11 days visit to the bay, "Fourteen" showcases the aesthetic, rhythm and vibe of the city of San Francisco.
Recorded using obsolete formats (Super 8, Mini DV and film photography) and edited to instrumental music.

Filmed and Edited by Pablo Marín García
Additional filming (Super 8 & Mini DV) by Javier Alegre, Rafael Llopis and Samuel Matías
Photography by Pablo Marín, Javier Alegre and Rafael Llopis.

Fran Rodriguez | Skateboarding Saved My Life Part

Fran Rodriguez | Skateboarding Saved My Life Part