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National Videos

Nike SB Euro Series 2016 | Barcelona

Nike SB Euro Series 2016 | Barcelona

The first stop of the Nike SB 2016 European Series kicks off at the Skate Agora BDN plaza skatepark in Barcelona, the proving ground for European skaters. The Nike SB Barcelona AM 20th - 22nd May invites top AMs from across Europe to compete for a total prize purse of €10,000. The winner is invited to take part in the Berlin Open in July where they will skate against some of the best Pros at Nike SB’s, The Shelter.
The event is held alongside the SLS Nike SB PRO Open where 30 Pros will battle for just two spots on the SLS Nike SB World Tour roster.
The Nike SB Barcelona AM will launch the 2016 series to be followed by the London AM, Paris AM and Berlin Open respectively.

Competing skaters and spectators for the Nike SB BCN AM can register here

Details and tickets for the SLS Nike SB PRO here




Ctra. de Mataró,

4, Polígon Industrial Manresa, 08911 Badalona, Barcelona, Spain


Nike SB's Fran Molina, Michael Sommer, Andrew Verde, Daniel Lebron, Marek Zaprazny and friends Nayat Cheikh and Brayan Albarenga warm up and invite you to the first stop of the Nike SB European Contest Series, the Barcelona AM, on May 20th-22nd at Skate Agora.

More info and rider registration

ANTISOCIAL | Skateboarding 2016

ANTISOCIAL | Skateboarding 2016

Disfruta de este buen montaje donde aparecen Manolo Robles, Javier Paredes, Alberto Carmona, Carmelo Sánchez, Gabriel Farago, Manuel Gómez, Guido Villegas, Antonio Carreño, Jesús Jiménez, Juan García Wic, Jorge Calderón, Nacho Peralta y Fran Molina.

Producido y editado por Antisocial skateboarding.

Gracias a cámaras como Manuel Gómez, Adrian Martinez, Toni Gómez y Alberto Carmona.

Siete Puertas | FirstDOOR

Siete Puertas | FirstDOOR

Los integrantes del team de 7 Puertas David Fernández, Jose Luis Corral, Carlos Cardeñosa, Alexis Samper, Pali Negrín y José Luis de la Rosa se desplazaron hasta Lanzarote y en este clip vas a poder ver los mejores momentos del tour. Frescura desde las Islas, disfruta!

BD Skateboards | Video Teaser 2

BD Skateboards | Video Teaser 2

The first ever Full-length BDSKATECO video will come up in Mid of May. “Skateboarding Saved My Life” has represented what BD is all about since their very beginning and that´s how they wanted to name this project.
Here you have a little taste of the video. Coming really soon!

Almeria Skateboarding | 2016 Vol. 2

Almeria Skateboarding | 2016 Vol. 2

Awesome montage about Almeria skateboarding scene in southern Spain featuring Toni Gómez, Youness Amrani, Chanchi, Marcelo Reyes, Alberto Carmona, Denis Kamenev, Carmelo Sánchez, Jose Antonio Carreño, Nahuel César, Jesús Jiménez, Fran Molina and Javier Paredes.

Video courtesy of Skate Almeria

Macba Life | Teaser 1

Macba Life | Teaser 1

After several months sharing the best MACBA skateboarding in Instagram, Macba Life release a Youtube channel with exclusive MACBA videos. You will find locals scene, and foreing giving his best at one of the best skateboarding spot wolrdwide. Next May 16th will be live at http://MACBALIFE.COM or at Youtube channel. Also will still giving to you the best MACBA updates thought Instagram, Twitter & Snapchat.

Nacho Peralta | New Part

Nacho Peralta | New Part

Enjoy this new part featuring Nacho Peralta from Almería, Spain. The city from which some of your favorites skaters are coming from like Manolo Robles, Fran Molina, Javier Paredes, Antonio "Plaza" Gómez, Cristian Pujola... strong scene!

Filmed and edited by Antonio Gómez

Skatepark Sesh | Skate Agora Park

Skatepark Sesh | Skate Agora Park

Awesome video edit featuring Jesús Fernández, Javier Sarmiento, Cristian Vanella, José Manuel Roura, Emilio García, Julián Lorenzo, Pol and Ignacio "Nachete" Morata ripping at Skate Agora Park, enjoy!

Filmed and Edited by Charles Chaves

Full Storage | Phone Clip #5

Full Storage | Phone Clip #5

Awesome iPhone footage montage featuaring Dani Delgado, Cristian Sanchez, Roger Silva, Juliano Guimaraes, Mario Cano, Ismael Maestre, Acram Majidi, Christofer Khan, Sergi Torres, Ignasi Mas, Jordi Ripoll, Dani Jenks, Cristian Krasimirov, Joan Galceran, Jesus Fernandez, Javier Sarmiento, Eric Garcia, Roman Lishchynsky, Marcos Castellanos, Sammy, Diego Cano, Javi de Pedro, Hugo Miralles, Sebas Sitjar, Cristian Delgado, Christian Estrada, check it out!

Suichi 4 Fun | Full Video

Suichi 4 Fun | Full Video

Suichi 4 Fun is the fourth video of the independent saga of Suichi Crew, in it you can find full parts of Miguel Prieto, David Lougedo, Gustavo Rodriguez, Leandro Choho, David Pulpillo, Adrian Villar, Lucas Della Vedova, Alex Amor and Javier Suarez. Truly fun and awesome skating, layback and enjoy!

Filmed and edited by Damià Tesorero.