Viewing entries tagged
Nick Ferro

Hit You Off Management Presents... 'Museum of Sex' | Quartersnacks

Hit You Off Management Presents... 'Museum of Sex' | Quartersnacks

QuarterSnacks just uploaded on YT an awesome edit 'Museum of Sex' filmed from April 2021 to August 2021. Featuring the skating of Mark Humienik, Joe Russo, Nick Ferro, Vin Perso, Joseph Delgado, German Nieves, Ben Tenner, Myles Underwood, Dana Ericson and Dick Rizzo ripping up at the iconic NYC skate spot, enjoy!

Filmed & Edited by Paul Young

Grand Collection | Pavilion

Grand Collection | Pavilion

Grand Collection crew were recently in Barcelona and this is what they've been up to. Enjoy a dope edit "Pavilion" featuring: Spencer Hamilton, Wade DesArmo, Brian Delaney, Dana Ericson, Zeb Weisman and Nick Ferro.

Filmed by JP BlairMatt Velez

Bronze 56k in Barcelona | Raw Footage

Bronze 56k in Barcelona | Raw Footage

Bronze 56k squad spent two weeks in Barcelona last winter alongside ZooYork crew. Enjoy this dope "Raw Footage" video montage featuring: Josh Wilson, Ron Deily, Justin Helmkamp, Nick Ferro, Brendan Carroll, Adrian Vega, Josh Velez, Chachi, Kevin Tierney, Dick Rizzo, Mark Humienik, and Billy Mcfeely.

Bronze56k | "Plug" Video

Bronze56k | "Plug" Video

Bronze promo video mostly filmed in SF and NYC featuring Adrian Vega, Yaje Popson, Rob Gonyon, Nick Ferro, Dick Rizzo, Josh Wilson, Billy McFeely, Chachi, Brendan Carrol, Kevin Davis, Mark Humienik, Aaron Herrington, Paul Tucci, Phil Rodriguez, Joseph Delgado and Shawn Power