Viewing entries tagged
Karl Salah

Hélas Caps | Hélas "Paris"

Hélas Caps | Hélas "Paris"

Sit back and enjoy the lasted video release by Hélas Caps featuring Lucas Puig, Flo Mirtain, Marek Zaprazny, Thierry Gormit, Gauthier Rouger, Pedro Attenborough, Victor Campillo, Karl Salah, Mikel Vidal, Pierre Leze, William Monerris ripping up in Paris!

Filmed by Augustin Giovannoni & Vincent Jugnet

Edited by Vincent Jugnet

Hélas Caps | "Hôtel de Ville"

Hélas Caps | "Hôtel de Ville"

Sit back and enjoy Hélas Caps edit featuring the skating of Flo Mirtain, Marek Zaprazny, JB GIllet, Thierry Gormit, Gauthier Rouger, Gunes Ozdogan, Victor Campillo, Karl Salah, Mikel Vidal, Adrien Coillard, Antoine Volle ripping up at the iconic spot "Hôtel de Ville" in Lyon, France

Filmed & Edited by Vincent Jugnet

Hélas | "Fellas" Full Video

Hélas | "Fellas" Full Video

Hélas Caps just uploaded on YT their first full lengh video released in October 2019, Featuring the skating of: Flo Mirtain, Danny Hamaguchi, Brayan Albarenga, Sam Parrado, Karl Salah, Jethro Coldwill, Max Geronzi, Youness Amrani, Mikel Vidal, Jose Vivero Diaz, Pierre Leze, Gauthier Rouger, Brian Peacock, Mark del Negro, William Monerris, Gunes Ozdogan, Clement Brunel, Laurence Keefe, Jp Villa, Stephen Khou, Devine Calloway, Marek Zaprazny, Lucas Puig, Pedro Attenborough and Thierry Gormit.

Filmed & Edited by Vincent Jugnet & Stephen Khou

New Balance Numeric | PROMENADE

New Balance Numeric | PROMENADE

The New Balance Numeric squad from Italy in the South of France for eight days between Menton, Nice and Marseille. Enjoy the skating of Massimo Cristofoletti, Ale Cesario, Davide Holzknecht, Jack Thompson, Raffaele Pola, Karl Salah and Mark Baines on this cool edit "Promenade" documented by A Brief Glance.

Filmed & Edited by Nick Richards

Via A Brief Grance →

Karl Salah & Oscar Candon | FUTUR

Karl Salah & Oscar Candon | FUTUR

From the streets of the city of love enjoy the sick skating of Karl Salah, Oscar Candon, Antoine Volle and Antoine "LOMEPAL" on this dope edit for Futur clothing brand, enjoy some Paris footage!

Filmed & Edited by Yoan Taillandier

The Blobys | Et Vasey

The Blobys | Et Vasey

Sit back and enjoy The Blobys crew out of France ripping up on their latest video release ‘Et Vasey’ featuring the skating of Karl Salah, Roman Gonzalez, Greg Cuadrado, Hermann Stene, Heitor DaSilva, Filip Almvqvist among others

Edit By Hadrien Buhannic

Karl Salah & Dan Leung | NB Numeric 'My Road' Video

Karl Salah & Dan Leung | NB Numeric 'My Road' Video

Enjoy some nice plaza skating by parisian Karl Salah and Shanghai local Dan Leung in New Balance Numeric's 'My Road' video filmed in Europe, China and Brazil.

Filmed by Anthony Claravall & Alan Hannon

Edited by Alan Hannon

Via Free Skate Mag →

Futur | Timeline 04

Futur | Timeline 04

Futur French skate crew featuring Juan Saavedra, Santiago Sasson, Karl Salah, Oscar Candon ripping up on this “Timeline 04” edit, enjoy”

Filmed & Edited by Yoan Taillandier

New Balance Numeric | Parallax

New Balance Numeric | Parallax

The New Balance Numeric Team ripping up across Germany and Italy on this epic edit "Parallax". Featuring Brandon Westgate, Flo Mirtain, Franky Villani, Jake Hayes, Jordan Taylor, Karl Salah, Levi Brown, Nisse Ingemarsson, Tyler Surrey, check it out!

Filmed & Edited by Russell Houghten and James Messina for Brindle Collective

New Balance | Tricolor

New Balance | Tricolor

New Balance Numeric presents "Tricolor" featuring the NB Numeric team with main parts from PJ Ladd, Franky Villani, Flo Mirtain and introducing Brandon Westgate.

PJ Ladd, Franky Villani, Flo Mirtain, Brandon Westgate, Arto Saari, Axel Cruysberghs, Jordan Taylor, Jake Hayes, Tyler Surrey, Tom Knox, Jack Curtin, Antoine Asselin, Marquise Henry, Tom Karangelov, Marius Syvanen, Jordan Trahan, Anthony Schultz, Levi Brown, JP Souza, Pedro Biagio, Alexis Sablone, Mark Baines, Karl Salah, and Chad Tim Tim.

Produced by

Directed & Edited by Russell Houghten & James Messina
Filmed by Russell Houghten, James Messina, Luke Murphy

Vincent Touzery | Spirit Quest Part

Vincent Touzery | Spirit Quest Part

Enjoy Vincent Touzery part on Spirit Quest Video alongside Roman Gonzales, Gregoire Cuadrado, Valentin Jutant, Karl Salah, Mathias Labelle, Salim Fuhrel, Kevin Rodrigues, and Hadrien Buhannic.

Filmed & edited by Colin Read

Futur | Timeline 03

Futur | Timeline 03

Enjoy this cool edit from Futur "Timeline 03" featuring Juan Saavedra, Santiago Sasson, Karl Salah alongside friends Jacopo Carozzi, Andrea di Liddo, Gaspare Gentile

Filmed & edited by Yoan Taillandier

New Balance Numeric | Barge at Will

New Balance Numeric | Barge at Will

New Balance Numeric heads Axel Cruysberghs, Flo Mirtain and Karl Salah joined forces with a UK crew consisting of Mark Baines, Andrew Evans, Jethro Coldwell, Jeremy Jones, Cam Barr and Seb Batty for a week long jaunt around the picturesque waterways of the Leeds to Liverpool ship canal system.

Hélas Polo Club | Mixtape

Hélas Polo Club | Mixtape

Dope Mixtape edit by Hélas Polo Club featuring Lucas Puig, Jesús Fernández, Max Geronzi, Brian Peacock, JB Gillet, Dan Leung, Mark del Negro, William Monneris, Karl Salah, Mark Zaprazny, Brayan Albarenga, Tommy Zhao, Clement Brunel, Stephen Khou, Roman Lisivka and Luypa-Sin.