Viewing entries tagged
Dan Leung

Hélas | "Hong Kong"

Hélas | "Hong Kong"

Hélas crew ripping up in Hong Kong featuring the skating of Dan Leung, Stephen Khou, Johnnie Tang as well as friends Mikey Silva, Xander Yeadon, Piet Guilfolye and Patrik Wallner.

Filmed and edited by Patrick Wallner

Karl Salah & Dan Leung | NB Numeric 'My Road' Video

Karl Salah & Dan Leung | NB Numeric 'My Road' Video

Enjoy some nice plaza skating by parisian Karl Salah and Shanghai local Dan Leung in New Balance Numeric's 'My Road' video filmed in Europe, China and Brazil.

Filmed by Anthony Claravall & Alan Hannon

Edited by Alan Hannon

Via Free Skate Mag →

Hélas | Ninja Tortures Video

Hélas | Ninja Tortures Video

Dope Helás video featuring William Monneris, JP Villa, Marek Zaprazny, Dan Leung, Mark Del Negro, enjoy some tech ledge skating!

Hélas Polo Club | Mixtape

Hélas Polo Club | Mixtape

Dope Mixtape edit by Hélas Polo Club featuring Lucas Puig, Jesús Fernández, Max Geronzi, Brian Peacock, JB Gillet, Dan Leung, Mark del Negro, William Monneris, Karl Salah, Mark Zaprazny, Brayan Albarenga, Tommy Zhao, Clement Brunel, Stephen Khou, Roman Lisivka and Luypa-Sin.