The third day of CPH OPEN madness got everyone down to the canal for some serious early afternoon wake up.
The Christian IV’s Bro triple set is no joke, sitting on the edge of the canal there are more hazards in this make than there are cobble stones in the run up. With an excess of 50+ meters of sprint needed to get enough speed to clear the 2 flat 2 flat 4, skaters had to contend with drain covers, cracks, stones, bikes and a 300 strong crowd that is more reminiscent of the final stages of the Tour de France before they even get to stair set. The short landing right on the canal edge meant that even if you caught a trick there was no guarantee that you weren’t going swimming. The perfect combination for a good session and a treat for skaters and river cruises that we blessed to see Youness Amrani’s bangging hard flip, an over stoked front shuv from Gabriel Fortunato and a switch heel from Neverton Casella. TJ Rogers gets a shout for an unreal switch front 360 ollie that was outside the allotted time.
1.Neverton Casella 2.Hermann Stene 3.Alexander Risvad
4.Youness Amrani 5.Gabriel Fortunato
Being on the canal the transport to the next spot was via the ‘champagne love boats’, 2 river barges thumping out music and packed full of the best skaters in the world. A 30 min journey to an abandoned warehouse set up with 2 simple ledges on a loading bay and some of the best ledge crushers in the biz.
The session was an exercise of head messing wizardry with TJ taking a nollie crook to fakie and switch bigspin heel flip in the line only to be nudged into 2nd spot by a super consistent Luan who was knocking out back to back lines - Switch back 5.0 180 to switch kick flip nose grind and Back tail fakie, fakie hard flip to fakie tail slide.
1.Luan Oliveira 2.TJ Rogers 3.Sewa Kroetkov 4.Sean Malto 5.JP Souza