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Junior de Bruin

Boombap | Full Video 2018


Boombap | Full Video 2018

‘Boombap’ the latest video released by Bombaklats skateboarding crew from Rotterdam, The Netherlands. A full length production featuring the new blood coming up alongside the rest of the skate scene of the city. Sit back and enjoy the skating of: Yannick Witvoet, Jan Maarten Sneep, Robert Joosten, Wouter Molenaar, Donny Janssen, Rachid Addou, Alexander Belhaj, Dirk Middelkoop, Wouter de Jong, Nassim Guammaz, Tim Zom, Sico Djermor, Mike van Anrooij, Marc Francis, Sebastiaan Vijverberg, Remco Stolze, Faires Prins, Dennie Wagner, Patrick Reins, Rob Maatman, Kevin Vu, Junior de Bruin, Jeremy van der Eijk, Roland Leder, Thomas Wieringa, Sami el Hassani, Shajen Willems, Robbin de Wit, Jaimy Holstein, Bastiaan van Zadelhoff, Othmar van Rijswijk, Lex van der Does

A Video by Marc Bolhuis
