Viewing entries tagged
Jeremy van der Eijk

This Is Not The New Bombaklats Video


This Is Not The New Bombaklats Video

The Bombaklats crew out of The Netherlands strikes again with another dope edit. Sit back and enjoy the skating of Tim Zom, Robbin De Wit, Sebastiaan Vijverberg, Rob Maatman, Shajen Willems, Pascal Moelaert, Robin Pedro, Remco Stolze, Nassim Guammaz, Rendert Guiljam, Martijn Van Hemmen, Wouter de Jong, Thomas Wieringa, Sneep, Marcel Beemster, Bastiaan van Zadelhoff, Dennie Wagner, Niels vd Zeeuw, Sico Djermor, Billy Hoojendijk, Alexander Belhadj, Glen Fox, Youness Amrani, Kevin Vu, Adison Pedro, Rachid Addou, Joey Verberkt, Jeremy van der Eijk, Gijs Visser, Marc Francis vd Arend, Wouter Molenaar, Bert Roeterdink, Jelle Maatman, Lex vad der Does, Dirk Middelkoop, Marc Bolhuis, Justin Wagener and Jamy van Holstei.

Filmed by Jan Maarten Sneep & Sami El Hassan

Via Free Skate Mag →


No Service | Skating at Parking Garages


No Service | Skating at Parking Garages

Parking garages are just too good in The Netherlands so there´s no problem when it gets wet and cold out there. Watch this dope edit if you don’t believe it featuring: Rob Maatman, Bastiaan van Zadelhoff, Robbin de Wit, Justin Wagener, Pascal Moelaert, Jeremy van der Eijk, Max Kozlo, Aaron Tiekink, Sebastiaan Vijverberg, Jelle Maatman, Jesse Voerman, Martijn van Velden, Jasair Linger, Jamy van Holstein, Rachid Addou, Jan Maarten Sneep, Huib Verdwijn, Robin Pedro

video by Ziggy Schaap


Boombap | Full Video 2018


Boombap | Full Video 2018

‘Boombap’ the latest video released by Bombaklats skateboarding crew from Rotterdam, The Netherlands. A full length production featuring the new blood coming up alongside the rest of the skate scene of the city. Sit back and enjoy the skating of: Yannick Witvoet, Jan Maarten Sneep, Robert Joosten, Wouter Molenaar, Donny Janssen, Rachid Addou, Alexander Belhaj, Dirk Middelkoop, Wouter de Jong, Nassim Guammaz, Tim Zom, Sico Djermor, Mike van Anrooij, Marc Francis, Sebastiaan Vijverberg, Remco Stolze, Faires Prins, Dennie Wagner, Patrick Reins, Rob Maatman, Kevin Vu, Junior de Bruin, Jeremy van der Eijk, Roland Leder, Thomas Wieringa, Sami el Hassani, Shajen Willems, Robbin de Wit, Jaimy Holstein, Bastiaan van Zadelhoff, Othmar van Rijswijk, Lex van der Does

A Video by Marc Bolhuis


Character Type | Art & Skate in Rotterdam


Character Type | Art & Skate in Rotterdam

The project ‘Character Type’ was an intervention in the city of Rotterdam in september 2018 and bridged the gap between public art and skateboarding. The words are a hommage to a skate state of mind. 

Therefore the letters were build and designed to be skatable sculptures and placed in the city to create new skatespots and transform unused space into a temporary lively area for three days.

The design comes from a series of typographical installations done by Opperclaes for the last 4 years. By using typography in public space they created an endless area for graphic design, with no boundaries in scale and size. Character Type is the first three dimensional intervention which was build with furniture designer and skateboarder Jeroen van Sluis.

The film is made by Sami El Hassani, a Rotterdam filmmaker. El Hassani gathered a group of the most creative skateboarders from the Netherlands and planned the trip through the city during the weekend. The words and letters were skated in ways that they were intended to skate, but most of the times the skaters would see or find ways to use them in different ways than expected. Resulting in an edit full of great skating with loads of creativity.

Riders in order of appearance: Reyndert Guiljam, Rob Maatman, Robin Pedro, Martijn Guiljam, Rachid Addou, Joey Verberkt, Jeremy van der Eijk, Remco Stolze, Marc Francis, Wouter Molenaar, Jeff Smit, Tim Zom, Jannes van der Baar, Dennie Wagner, Jan Maarten Sneep, Marcel Beemster, Robbin de Wit, Sebastiaan Vijverberg, Wouter de Jong

Film and edit by Sami El Hassani

Additional filming by Wouter Molenaar, Sven Bezem, Rachid Addou
