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National Videos

Pablo Domínguez | “Forties” Teaser

Pablo Domínguez | “Forties” Teaser

Barcelona´s big time legend Pablo Domínguez presents a new video part "Forties" on Saturday 23rd from 20:00hrs. at Hotel Toc, located in Gran Via De Las Corts Catalanes, 580. Join Pablo and show your love for some OG skating by Barcelona´s finest

Fresh music by DJ Alex "Nigga"

Nomad Skateboards | Introducing Sebas Garcia

Nomad Skateboards | Introducing Sebas Garcia

Skateboarding gives the opportunity to visit new places and meet great people, and Sebas Garcia is one of those persons. With technical skateboarding in all stances, a smooth style and always an smile on his face Nomad Skateboards welcomes him to the Family

Film & Edit by Cholopatin

Universal Wheels | Introducing Rafa "Slappyer"

Universal Wheels | Introducing Rafa "Slappyer"

Universal Wheels introduces Rafa "Slapper" to the team with this cool B&W edit ripping up in Madrid

Vídeo by Cholopatin

Thiago Lima | Welcome to Al Carrer

Thiago Lima | Welcome to Al Carrer

Al Carrer Skateshop proudly welcomes Thiago Lima to the team, originally from Brazil eventually resident in Barcelona. Enjoy some powerful skating and mad pop

Juan Virues | Welcome to Villains

Juan Virues | Welcome to Villains

Dope Welcome to Villains Conspiracy part by Juan Virues. Enjoy some powerful flow from one of the finest Madrid local, originally from Southern Spain

Javi Fioretto | Universal One Tape

Javi Fioretto | Universal One Tape

Cool edit "One Tape" by Universal Wheels featuring Javi Fioretto out of Valencia skating around the city, check it out!

Filmed and edited by Alex Marco

David Casado | The Young Magician

David Casado | The Young Magician

David Casado just dropped a really technical video part "The Young Magician" for Memory Skateboards. Enjoy some dope ledges and manual moves by Barcelona´s local!

Filmed & Edited by Ignasi Cases

Jean Bacilio | SBEC Tribu

Jean Bacilio | SBEC Tribu

Jean Bacilio having fun skating around several spots in Barcelona and Milano Centrale for SBEC Skateboarding 

Filmed & Edited by Damian Vásquez

Bruno Santos | Vallapatín edit

Bruno Santos | Vallapatín edit

Bruno Santos ripping up at the streets of Valladolid, Spain. Check some really nice ledges spots on this cool Vallapatín edit

Filmed & edited by Manu Castellanos

Raul Navarro | Back to Western Edition

Raul Navarro | Back to Western Edition

Western Edition welcomes Raul Navarro back to the squad with this cool edit, check it out!

Wesley Cardoso | Tape Loops

Wesley Cardoso | Tape Loops

"TAPE LOOPS" is a compilation of footage filmed in Barcelona and surrounding areas featuring Wesley Cardoso from Al Carrrer SkateShop.

J. Antonio Carreño | 2017 SkateClip

J. Antonio Carreño | 2017 SkateClip

J. Antonio Carreño es todo un ejemplo como persona y patinador. Trabaja duro en los invernaderos de Almería para mantener a su familia. A unos meses de cumplir 44 años su pasión por el skateboarding no ha menguado ni un ápice y sigue sacando hueco para hacer lo que más le gusta. Compruébalo por tí mismo en este buen recopilatorio dedicado a Atlante Skateboards

Carreño agradece: "a los filmers, sobre todo a Adrian Martinez "Bufan" y Toni Gomez "Plaza",  a los que han colaborado para que esto sea posible, a mi familia y a todos con los que suelo patinar. SkateLove Forever!"

Roberto Alemañ | Never Say Never

Roberto Alemañ | Never Say Never

Enjoy the gnarly part by Roberto Alemañ ripping up at everything on his path on the latest video released by Consolidated Skateboards

Via Thrasher →

Friends Of Ours | Tributes Prodigy (Mobb Deep)

Friends Of Ours | Tributes Prodigy (Mobb Deep)

Third edition of the video series "Friends Of Ours" by AL CARRER SkateShop in Barcelona. On this episode they pay tribute to Prodigy, rapper from the iconic 90´s hip hop band Mobb Deep  who recently passed away, he was born on November 2nd of 1974.

Featuring: Javier Sarmiento, Carlos Ribeiro, Yuri Faccini, Rodrigo TX and many more friends, check it out!

M.A.C.B.A. Battle Show | Edinson Azuaje VS Pablo Pérez

M.A.C.B.A. Battle Show | Edinson Azuaje VS Pablo Pérez

New video episode of the series M.A.C.B.A. Battle Show featuring Edinson Azuaje VS Pablo Pérez fighting for their honour, hosted by the one and only Boris!

Mosaic Bearings | Javier Sarmiento - iTapes

Mosaic Bearings | Javier Sarmiento - iTapes

Enjoy some melting eyes footage by tech wizard Javier Sarmiento for Mosaic Bearings, check it out!

Spitfire X Spotter Premier

Spitfire X Spotter Premier

EL pasado Domingo 8 de Octubre se celebró en el Spotter DIY de Badía del Vallés la colaboración con SPITFIRE WHEELS. BBQ, sesión de patín y presentación del video resumidas en este clip grabado y editado por Mario Cano.

M.A.C.B.A. Battle Show | Brahian Londono VS Ramon Muniz

M.A.C.B.A. Battle Show | Brahian Londono VS Ramon Muniz

M.A.C.B.A. Battle Show strikes again with another dope game of skate featuring Brahian Londono VS Ramon Muniz, hosted by the crazy and unique Boris, check i tout!

Skate Agora Video Manifesto | Blank State Of Mind

Skate Agora Video Manifesto | Blank State Of Mind

‘The Blank State of Mind’ is a short documentary by Maurici de Haro who brings us to the emotions that every skater experiences when skating.

Filmed at Skate Agora during this past summer, well known skaters such as Joan Galcerán, Luis Aponte, José Manuel Roura and Maurici de Haro himself carry out sequences of concentration, surpassing and success in skateboard, which serve as frames for the author to define his relationship with the skate and how this constantly influences his personal development.

Skatelife | Raw Skateboarding

Skatelife | Raw Skateboarding

Dope raw footage edit featuring Pedro Sánchez, Andrés Castro, Diego Pérez, Zacarías de la Calle, Adrián Pérez, Vilian Todorov, Javier Varillas, Pol Amado, David Fernández & Andrew Verde filmed during the last two years in Barcelona, Valencia, Bordeaux, Alicante, Madrid, Valladolid, Zamora and Salamanca, check it out!

Filmed & Edited by Quique Acosta