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National Videos

Enrique García | Los Intangibles Part

Enrique García | Los Intangibles Part

Enrique is the perfect "Intangible", hard and rare tricks in all terrain. Check out this Cantabrian's smooth part!

Video by Jokin Abalia

Jesús Fernández | Return of the Flare

Jesús Fernández | Return of the Flare

With the recent announcement of the upcoming Lakai video, "The Flare", Daniel Policelli puts together all of Jesus' footage post-Pretty Sweet into one edit. This re-edit would be considered the prequel to The Flare. Hopefully he has a part in the new video as he is so sick, enjoy!

Marco Rivera | Leftovers?

Marco Rivera | Leftovers?

Dope "Leftovers" edit featuring Marcos Rivera, tech tricks with a clean style, sick!

Alex Mora “Cantouch” | Los Intangibles

Alex Mora “Cantouch” | Los Intangibles

Alex Mora came from Madrid to Basque Country and he ended up filming this video part during a weekend... If you like grind combos and flip-out slides, just check the skills of "cantouch"

Los Intangibles 2016 | Full Video

Los Intangibles 2016 | Full Video

"Los Intangibles" is a street skate video filmed in Basque Country and Madrid by Jokin Abalia Díez, featuring by all kind of skaters like Alain Kortabitarte, Mateo Rotaeche, Max Delangue, Andres Ferrer, Alex Mora "cantouch", Enrique Garcia and many more... If you like rap music and tech ledge tricks, just play it

Golden Year | Full Video

Golden Year | Full Video

Enjoy the full length video "Golden Year" from the locals of Santiago de Compostela, Galicia. Also please watch Marcelo "The Blind Rider" part, truly inspirational. Stay tuned for Be Skateboarding Mag issue #2 for a full article about him

Park Mission | La Hastilla D.E.P.

Park Mission | La Hastilla D.E.P.

Panorama Skateboarding pays tribute with this video edit to the La Hastilla skatepark that it was located in the suburb of Barcelona, check it out!

FTC Barcelona | Shop of The Year Recap

FTC Barcelona | Shop of The Year Recap

Congrats to FTC Barcelona for winning BESA 2017 European shop of the year! Enjoy this cool video edit recap, check it out!

Alain Saavedra & David Sanchez | Miniramp Sesh

Alain Saavedra & David Sanchez | Miniramp Sesh

Enjoy Alain Saavedra and David Sanchez having a ripping miniramp sesh, check it out!

Armonía Wheels | Clip 2017

Armonía Wheels | Clip 2017

Armonía Wheels crew ripping up featuring Sergio Muñoz, Fran Javaloyes, Fran Orts and Sergio Sanchez, check it out!

Filmed & edited by Javier García

Cristian Vannella | Instagram Clip #3

Cristian Vannella | Instagram Clip #3

Awesome Instagram footage compilation on this video edit featuring Cristian Vannella, enjoy one of the finest!

Villains Conspiracy | ROOKIE shut up and put on ur headphonez

Villains Conspiracy | ROOKIE shut up and put on ur headphonez

Dope "ROOKIE" Promo video by Villains Conspiracy, enjoy the flavour of these guys!

Filmed by German Anton, Hugo Miralles, Ruben Dos Santos
Edited by Hugo Miralles

Pedrito Sánchez | Creepy Clips

Pedrito Sánchez | Creepy Clips

Pedrito Sáchez from Southern Spain ripping up on this cool "Creepy Clips" video edit, check it out!

Popcorn X Sevenmad

Popcorn X Sevenmad

Awesome video montage by Popcorn Hardware and Sevenmad ripping up the streets of Madrid, enjoy!

Guille Amago | All You Need Skateshop

Guille Amago | All You Need Skateshop

Cool video part featuring Guille Amago ripping up the streets of Asturias for All You Need skateshop, check it out!

Arthur Dias | Arthurg Mode Part

Arthur Dias | Arthurg Mode Part

Arthur Dias from Brazil but resident and local of Barcelona just dropped this cool VX video part "Arthurg Mode" alongside a chaos section. Stay tuned for more to come!

BDSKATECO | A New Beginning

BDSKATECO | A New Beginning

"A new Beginning" is a short film by BDSKATECO to bid farewell to this year and welcome the 2017. More than 5 min with the BD Family shredding spots all over Spain.

Produced by BDSKATECO

Edited by Quique Acosta

Filmed by Ricardo Cantero, Rafael Álvarez, Hugo Valverde, Pablo Andrés, Sunay, Alex Gil, Nahikari Pérez, Albert Garcia Siles, Luis Gallo, Rafa Alvarez, Alejandro Martinez, Alvaro rodriguez