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National Videos

Villains Conspiracy | ROOKIE 48hrs Premiere

Villains Conspiracy | ROOKIE 48hrs Premiere

48hrs premiere of "Rookie" a cool edit featuring the new blood coming up from Villains Conspiracy: Slappyer, Victor Matin, Gerv Ndong, Oliver Val, Lucas Yunk y Brian Sherry (aka. La Esencia). Buddies: Marcos Martín, Iván Suarez & Jorge De Torres.

Filmed by Hugo Miralles, Germán Antón & Rubén Dos Santos

Julian Arellano | Hi It & Quit It

Julian Arellano | Hi It & Quit It

Another cool video part by videographer Mario Cano, this time featuring Julian Arellano, definitely he is crazy and everybody knows that in Valencia!

Filmed & edited by Mario Cano

Juan Castaño | Raw Files

Juan Castaño | Raw Files

Raw Files from Juan Castaño video part for the "Skateboarding Saved My Life" BDSKATECO video including tricks that didn´t make the cut, slams, tries and different angles. All mixed up in raw to have a better taste of the fight of Juan against himself.
Because it is not what you do it, it is how you do it.

Filmed by Javier Novelle “Javivi”, Ricardo Cantero & Oscar Rois

ESC Skateboards | Press ESC Teaser

ESC Skateboards | Press ESC Teaser

Stay tuned for the upcoming ESC Skateboards new full length video called '' PRESS ESC ''. Here a sneak preview!

A video filmed by Arthur Dias

Sergio Salgado (aka. Filoko) | Psycho Skate Barcelona

Sergio Salgado (aka. Filoko) | Psycho Skate Barcelona

Sergio Salgado (also known as Filoko) is a Chilean who at 31 years of age has landed in Barcelona. It has come without sponsors, nor any history. His only goal is to give it all and enjoy the ride, and so far it seems that he is getting it ...

Filmed & edited by Mario Cano

Mikel Vidal | Rumba Classes #3

Mikel Vidal | Rumba Classes #3

Classes #3 from Rumba skateboards introduces Mikel Vidal to the team with this cool edit by Mario Fortea, nice lines, check it out!

Additional filming by Adrian T. Brao, Henner Figueiredo, Liam Searle

Friends of Ours | RIP ODB

Friends of Ours | RIP ODB

"Friends Of Ours" is a cool video series featuring friends from Le Carrer skate shop in Barcelona, enjoy the first and second episode tribute to ODB who passed away on 13/11

Adrián García | Homeland

Adrián García | Homeland

Before to settle down in barcelona and leave to the States, Adrián García gather together some awesome VX footage from his hometown on this montage, check it out!

FTC Barcelona | Instagram Compilation

FTC Barcelona | Instagram Compilation

The FTC Barcelona crew gather together some Instagram clips on this cool compilation edit, have fun!

Edit by @sixsas

Hommies Crew | Refugio Skatepark

Hommies Crew | Refugio Skatepark

Cool video edit from Santa Catalina Skatepark, Canary Island. The Hommies crew ripping up featuring Luis Padron, Carlos Cardeñosa, Neca Fonseca, Omar Cardona, Ale Gil, Saul Yanez, Miguel Rodriguez, Maxi Lajo, Raul Oliva...

Poio Weekends | Full Video

Poio Weekends | Full Video

Full length video from the new blood coming up from Madrid, Spain. Enjoy this young crew skating, partying and having fun

Video by Rubens Dos Santos

Geriatric Tour | Southeast Spain

Geriatric Tour | Southeast Spain

The Geriatric crew of friends gather together on a trip to Southeast of Spain to film for this edit. Featuring: Roberto Alemañ, Daniel Lebrón, Julian Lorenzo, Erik J Pettersson, Alberto Velázquez, Edú Muñoz, and Manolo Robles, living!

Macba Life | Adrián Lobo

Macba Life | Adrián Lobo

Mind blowing and really unique tricks on this new edit by Macba Life featuring Adrián Lobo (AKA Potter), check it out!

Brahian Londono | Hit It & Quit It

Brahian Londono | Hit It & Quit It

Brahian Londono possess a really nice and smooth style along with a good bag of tricks, perfect combination, right? So check this cool edit out, style matters!

Filmed & edited by Mario Cano

Juan Gefaell & Gerardo Anaya | Popcorn Remix

Juan Gefaell & Gerardo Anaya | Popcorn Remix

Dope new edit by Popcorn featuring Juan Befall and Gerardo Anaya, check it out!

Filme by Harry & Kruman

XII Torneo Skateboard | Ciudad Zamora

XII Torneo Skateboard | Ciudad Zamora

Resumen con lo mejor de la décimo segunda edición del Torneo Skateboard ciudad de Zamora, donde se repartieron 1200€ en metálico y mas de 3000€ en material deportivo en el campeonato Sub 16 y OPEN gracias a la ayuda del Ayuntamiento de Zamora, BDSKATECO, bdskateshop , Adidas skateboarding, VANS, Supra & Globe.
Gran engorile con muchos trucos "never been done" en la final por módulos.

SUB 16

1ºJorge “coke”

2ºDiego Pérez

3ºDavid Parrilla



1ºChristian Estrada

2ºMarcos Castellanos

3ºMarco Rey


5ºRuperto Herrador

Alain Kortabitarte | Armonia Wheels

Alain Kortabitarte | Armonia Wheels

11 years old Alain Kortabitarte ripping up at the skatepark for Armonia Wheels, check it out!

Noah Nayef | Make It Count 2016 Finals

Noah Nayef | Make It Count 2016 Finals

Six Element Make It Count Finals winners from all over the globe spent a week in Barcelona filming solo parts alongside Element team members. This is the section featuring Noah Nayef from Australia, check it out!

Andrew Verde | Rumba Classes #2

Andrew Verde | Rumba Classes #2

Sick welcome part featuring Andrew Verde to Rumba Skateboards. Style, power and good selection of tricks, enjoy!